"Vacation Brain" when you're not even going on vacation is kind of bullshit tbh

I love my job because, even though I commute like ten million hours a day and it's even worse right now due to the holidays, we also get a couple weeks off at Christmas. This is because someone did the math and said it was cheaper to give us all a paid break rather than pay us to sit around surfing Facebook for two weeks AND heat the buildings. This way, we surf Facebook from home and they turn the heat off at work. I'm guessing the numbers were legit, or the person in charge of that math wanted a paid vacation. Either way, thanks dude.

If only my daycare weren't closed during the EXACT SAME TIME as well.

It's not that I don't adore my son and want to spend time with him. I just really really want to sleep and he really really doesn't want to let me. He hasn't figured out that just because he can exist on four hours a night at four years old doesn't mean other people don't need sleep too, particularly mommy. I swear to god, this child is like a sleep camel. He will sleep great like three nights in a row - conk out at 8:30 and sleep til 9am. Then for like a week and a half he's a monster who rotates between finally giving up and falling asleep at midnight only to wake for the day at 4:30 (or, as I call it, "Mondays"), falling asleep at 6:00 and waking at 2am for the day ("Thursday"), or, his current favorite, the "newborn" schedule of starting bedtime at 8 and finally sneaking out of his room at 10:30, then waking up to find him staring at me every two hours thereafter until 5:30 when he sees the glimmer of dawn through the window and shouts "It's actually morning time!" and I give up and make coffee ("Tuesday," "Friday," and "Sunday").

So next week and the week after, I'll go back to the stay-at-home-mom life that I admire and am not well-suited for for more than a week at a time. In a stroke of genius, though, I did manage to arrange childcare for my son for three days at the end of my break so that I can stay home by myself, and I don't feel guilty AT ALL. I will need that time. #selfcare ladies - make sure to take some time to yourself over the next few days!
