
Showing posts from April, 2019

Atheist Musings on Death

**Disclaimer: I am an Atheist and this post completely supports that. I have tried to be respectful about my feelings about other belief systems, but if you have a problem with me firmly describing any belief in an afterlife or God as fiction, then I would recommend that you skip this post. I am always open for debate as long as it is respectful, however, so comments are appreciated.**     I'm terrified of my parents dying. The hardest thing for me as an Atheist is dealing with death. I've been frightened of death since I was a little girl. My parents raised us Agnostic, and they were very open with us about what may or may not happen after death. As a logical-minded kid, I took their presentation of various options (heaven, reincarnation, spirit or soul living on, ghosts, or nothingness) and deduced that the most likely scenario was nothingness, and thus began a lifetime of panic attacks whenever I considered it. When I finally lost someone I loved, my grandfather, I